Datatool motorcycle and scooter security specialists for motorcycle alarms, tracking and no one understands more than us how important it is to keep your pride and joy protected.

Fact 1
Around 60 bikes are stolen every day in the UK.
Fact 2
Around £8m worth of motorcycles are stolen every month.
Fact 3
With a tracking system you have better than 4 out of 5 chance of recovering your stolen bike.
Fact 4
A bike is over twice as likely to be stolen as a car.
Avoid being one of the statistics:

Lock It
Using a good quality lock, secure your bike to something solid that can’t be moved and keep the lock off the ground – as this makes it harder to break.

Security mark your bike in as many places as possible to deter parts thief. The Datatag system is recognised by every police force in the UK and uses the world’s leading technology from Trovan.

Alarm It
Get a combined alarm and electronic immobiliser fitted professionally. Datatool® alarms are recommended as the best on the market and your insurance company may give you a discount on your premiums.

Track It
Datatool TrakKING/Stealth provides instant notification of theft and a high chance of recovery if the worst does happen.

Garage It
If you’ve got a garage, use it every day, lock it securely and use a ground anchor!

Keep your keys safe and out of sight at all times. It’s also a good idea to keep your alarm fob separate from your keys.

Don’t leave your helmet or other possessions on your bike.

If you ride an off-road bike, it can still be registered with DVLA. It’s free and helps the Police in the event of a theft. Plus remember to security mark it with Datatag.

Check Documents
If you’re buying a second-hand bike or parts, be wary of motorcycles that appear to be ‘bargains’. Have a good look at the registration documents and always check the bike’s history with HPI Group Ltd, Carwatch UK Ltd., the AA or the RAC

Steering lock
If you have a good quality disc lock or lock and chain fitted you may wish to consider not using the standard steering lock. Thieves can easily break the steering lock and the damage caused may be enough to class your bike as an insurance write off just from an attempted theft. Check your insurance requirements though, some insurers insist the steering lock is used.